Women's Sex Organ Related Dis-eases ( Herpes, V.D., Etc.)

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Women's Sex Organ Related Dis-eases ( Herpes, V.D., Etc.)Women's Sex Organ Related Dis-eases ( Herpes, V.D., Etc.)

There is no mystery to the increasing number of women's sex organ related dis-eases. The dis-eases are caused by biochemical imbalances and the large amounts of synthetic chemicals put in the sex organs.There is no mystery to the increasing number of women's sex organ related dis-eases. The dis-eases are caused by biochemical imbalances and the large amounts of synthetic chemicals put in the sex organs.The destructiiveness of these chemicals amount to a chemical attack.

Ironically, these chemicals are designed by men who will not suffer penile flesh scraping (dilation and curettage) or penis removal (total hysterectomy). These men do not suffer the high  amount or reproductive failures that occur among women (non-productive sperm). Consequently, the consciousness of these dis-eases  and chemical attacks is confined to women.Chemicals attack the women's sex organs in various forms. These synthetic chemicals  are alien to the body and cause the body to eject them.

This ejection takes mon ths or sometimes several years. Chemicals such as those found in synthetic douches contain substances which are not completly proven to be unharmful. If these chemicals were actually safe then the douche solution could be drunk. If a solution is not safe enough for the stomach then it cannot be safe  for the sensitive uterus.

The use of these synthetic chemicals or any synthetic chemical alters the natual body chemistry and vaginal flora (natural fungus, virus, yeast, bacteria found in the vagina and intestines). These chemicals can cause cancer and skin irritation . The skin becomes irritated and ejects the synthetic (man-made) irritants in the form of bumps.Bumps have various labels such as abscesses, cysts, herpes, sores and rashes. The synthetic chemicals in tampons are equally dangerous. Tampons cause the skin to re-absorb dead and dis-easesdcells and other harmful toxic tissues.

Birth control foams, gels, pills and intrauterine devices ( I.U.D.'s) can cause inflammations and skin irritation,biochemical imbalances  and destroy vaginal flora. These chemicals cannot be safely put in the eye, nor can they be considered safe for the sensitive life-giving uterus. Again, these synthetics are ejected in the form of skin eruptions, catarh and other dis-ease states.Birth control foams, gels, pills and intrauterine devices ( I.U.D.'s) can cause inflammations and skin irritation,biochemical imbalances  and destroy vaginal flora. These chemicals cannot be safely put in the eye, nor can they be considered safe for the sensitive life-giving uterus.

Again, these synthetics are ejected in the form of skin eruptions, catarrh and other dis-ease states.Toilet paper treated with synthetic perfumes, dyes and paper bonders and softners cause skin eruptions. The use of antihistamines dries up nasal mucous and vaginal muc ousal fluid which contributes to fungus, yeast and bacterial dis-eases.Anibiotic usage kills natural vaginal bacteria and may give rise to virus yeast, and fungus dis-eases. So it follows that tight pant, nylon stockings and nylon (non-cotton) panties stop proper air ventilation of the vagina.

This can cause vaginitis (inflammation ), skin eruptions and create a moist environment for excessive fungus, yeast, virus and bacteria to grow. Aside from this the introduction of alien bacteria through oral sex can contribute to altering the natural flora and cause dis-eases known as abscesses, cysts, sores, hepes, etc. Consciousness of the dis-ease process broadens the woman's ability to remedy the dis-ease. There is a basic question that has to be understood in the dis-ease process.How did the first person on the face of the earth contact V.D.? There must have been a first person to have had V.D. in order to sexually transmit it to another person. After all, there was no one to catch V.D. from so, how did the first person get herpes, V.D., and other dis-eases of this nature?

A conscious analyst reveals that the body produced the dis-ease. The body will always produce herpes, V.D. and other dis-eases whenever it is in an unhealthy state.An unhealthy state is created by perversions of the natural laws. The law says a whole personm  must eat whole foods. Whole foods are made by nature, not by man. Man made foods are partial foods. Partical foods are synthetic, processed, denatured, refined conserved, preserved, and embalmed with chemicals. Partial foods produce partial health, which results in dis-ease. These foods leave the body ill-prepared to protect itself thereby creating a fertile soil for dis-eases.

V.D. and herpes can be triggered by foods. Allergic reactions to the synthetic chemicals, additives, dyes or preservatives in foods can cause the vagin al area to react. The skin reaction can result in eruptions which try to eject the chemicals . V.D. can also be triggered by hormonal imbalances. Consequently, a woman with an estrogen hormone imbalance will get various types of V.D. before, during and after menstruation. Herbs such as liquorice, sarsaparilla,m black cohosh, saw palmetto, damina, foti and ginseng can balance hormone levels.V.D. and herpes can be triggered by foods.

Allergic reactions to the synthetic chemicals, additives, dyes or preservatives in foods can cause the vagin al area to react. The skin reaction can result in eruptions which try to eject the chemicals . V.D. can also be triggered by hormonal imbalances. Consequently, a woman with an estrogen hormone imbalance will get various types of V.D. before, during and after menstruation. Herbs such as liquorice, sarsaparilla, black cohosh, saw palmetto, damina, foti and ginseng can balance hormone levels.

Treatment for various types of V.D.  vary and can be specific. In general baths hot and cold can be used. Baths aid in the cleansing of the body. For example, baking soda, vinegar, sea salt and herbs can be used in baths. Herbs which are beneficial in douches and baths.Treatment for various types of V.D.  ary and can be specific. In general baths hot and cold can be used. Baths aid in the cleansing of the body.Herbs which are beneficial in douches and baths. Syphilis, like all dis-eases, affects the entire body. A cleansing diet of fruit or high enema with herbs should be taken. No meats or synthetic chemicals in foods should be eaten. There are many herbs that can be used such as burdock,red clover, devil's claw, oregon grape, uva ursi, buckthorn, spikenard and yellow dock.

The general, herbal treatment for V.D. of all types should be rigid. Herbs should be mixed together and measured one tablespoon or one teaspoon to a cup. A tablespoon should be used in severe cases. Boil water and then place herbs in water and let them steep for fifteen minutes to half an hour. Then strain herbs while warm (not hot) and drink at least four or more cups per day. Never drink with meals. It is best to drink one or more hours before or after meals. The same system of herb measurement can be used for douche solution, enemas and baths. In case of baths, a shallow sponge bath is suitable.Gonorrhea, like syphilis, is attributed to a germ. In European thought, they (Europeans) are either being attacked or they are attacking someone.

So it follows that, they believe that a germ has attacked them and caused the dis-ease. This thought process would lead to the conclusion that the body is attacking itself and causing dis-ease or else a germ is. Europen science never states that healthy germs are attacking the body and giving health. In any case, germs, bacteria, yeast and fungus ate present in the body at all times. When the germ community balance is altered by faulty nutrition or a trauma, then the germ population increases. Theis is erroneously blamed on the germs that are only reacting to a dis-ease state.

Imbalanced nutrition causes the internal and external skin to deteriorate, also it causes the skin to split and lacerate producing sores. The sores associated with this dis-ease can be treated with the herbs listed previously. Additionally, goldenseal, aloe, garlic, thyme and myrrh can be applied to sores combined with clay and chacoal.Imbalanced nutrition causes the internal and external skin to deteriorate, also it causes the skin to split and lacerate producing sores. The sores associated with this dis-ease can be treated with the herbs listed previously.

Additionally, goldenseal, aloe, garlic, thyme and myrrh can be applied to sores combined with clay and chacoal. Discahrge disorders such as leukorrhea can  can be treated. Leukorrhea can be treated with astringent herbs such as white oak bark, barberry, tormentil (often used to make the vagina tight), hemlock, black berries, hickory, uva ursi and Queen of the |Maiden. Of, course, a strict diet and health program is always in dicated in dis-eases such as leukorrhea.

Imbalanced nutrition causes the internal and external skin to deteriorate, also it causes the skin to split and lacerate producing sores. The sores associated with this dis-ease can be treated with the herbs listed previously. Additionally, goldenseal, aloe, garlic, thyme and myrrh can be applied to sores combined with clay and chacoal. Imbalanced nutrition causes the internal and external skin to deteriorate, also it causes the skin to split and lacerate producing sores. The sores associated with this dis-ease can be treated with the herbs listed previously. Additionally, goldenseal, aloe, garlic, thyme and myrrh can be applied to sores combined with clay and chacoal. Discahrge disorders such as leukorrhea can be treated.

Leukorrhea can be treated with astringent herbs such as white oak bark, barberry, tormentil (often used to make the vagina tight), hemlock, black berries, hickory, uva ursi and Queen of the Maiden. Of, course, a strict diet and health program is always in dicated in dis-eases such as leukorrhea.

  • Other vaginal problems can be treated naturally. A partial list of treatment follows: 
  • Vaginitis: gum arabic, marshmallow root: Excessive menstruation: yarrow, pilewort, sorrel, witch hazel, burnet;
  • Excessive discharge: shepherd's purse, alum root, bethroot, plantain, oregon grape, bayberry;
  • Estrogen Imbalance; Squaw vine, licorice, sarsaparilla;
  • Cancer: Pau D'arco, red clover;
  • Prolapsed Uterus: Slippery elm, comfrey;
  • Cramps; Rue, fennel, pennyroyal, thyme, wood betheny, blue cohosh.

A preventitive douche could consist of herbs such as marshmallow, fennel, fenugreek, bayberry bark and uva ursi. Prevention is the best method of avoiding dis-eases. A balanced diet, exercise, a healthy mental outlook and a healthy spirit are the foundation for prevention of all dis-eases.

A preventitive douche could consist of herbs such as marshmallow, fennel, fenugreek, bayberry bark and uva ursi.A preventitive douche could consist of herbs such as marshmallow, fennel, fenugreek, bayberry bark and uva ursi.Prevention is the best method of avoiding dis-eases. A balanced diet, exercise, a healthy mental outlook and a healthy spirit are the foundation for prevention of all dis-eases. All women's sex organ dis-eases can be treated naturally with herbs, foods and nutritional supplements. These dis-eases may seem to be local or confined to the vagina; however, all dis-eases indicate an imbalance and weakness of the entire body. Consequently, the diet must be of natural foods. Nowwithstanding, sexual activity should be avoided while treatment is taking place. It is time to consciously evaluate female dis-eases. And, the realization that the human being is wholistic, consists of a body, mind and spirit must be applied in all considerations of female dis-eases. 

Reference:African Holistic Health: Llaila  O. Africa

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