OverWeight - Obesity -African Holistic Health

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OverWeight - Obesity -African Holistic Health

Overweight is a bodily reaction to a faulty diet. In other words, overeating causes weight gain.Fat accumualates arounf the gut because it is weakened by non-foods. However, the reason for overeating must be wholistically olved or else overweight will continue. Excess weight (fat) is actually extra cells the body has to maintain

These cells are homes for toxic waste. It is also a waste of bodily energies. The fat tries to insulate the weak organs by keeping their low energy production protected. The fat increases as the organs' functions decrease.

Fat, becomes a storage place for waste and inhibits the cells' abilities to regain health.

The appestate (appetite control mechanism) can be imbalanced by emotional stress, physical shocks (dis-eased organs) and spiritual causes. Cases of overweight due to glandular disorders are infrequent, whereas cases of malnutrition due to faulty diet are the majority.

Undernourishment causes deteriorated organs to accumulate fat as a means of disposal of cell waste and toxins. This begins to choke the healthy cells, decrease cell life and alter the path of blood food supplies.

The body has to increase its food to the fat and decrease its food to healthy cells . Fat is another symptom of starvation (lack of vital nutrients) and dis-ease.

Vitamin A, B complex, B6, B12, C, Niacin, E, and D. Also, calcium, Choline, magnesium, zinc, inositol, lecithin, kyolic, Brewer's yeast.

Saffron, Licorice root, Black Chaparral, Irish Moss, Chickweed, Kelp, Echniacea, Fennel, Mendrake, Sassafras, Gotu Kola.

Pomegrnate, Karamboa, papaya, cherry, orange, grapefruit, lemon, cabbage bottoms, celery. All fresh fruits and vegetables, No junk foods.

Orithine, Arginine, Phenylalanine

Pituitary, Thymus

Calc. Phos.

Reference:African Holistic Health; llaila O. Afrika

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