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Physically a woman's sexuality has three phases: menstruation (hemorrhaging of the uterus), birthing, and menopause. Menopause is the apex of the sexual cycle. in this phase menstruation ceases and sexual reproduction has ended. While the body is making the trasition from fertility to sterility, nutritional imbalances and mental imbalances occurred long before menopause.

However, menopause requires energy in its transition (fertility to sterility) and drains this energy from the body. When the body does not have this energy it excites the already present nutritional and emotional deficiencies. This creates what is called hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, hormone imbalances, and mental instability.

It is natural for the sex drive to change to another orgasmic level. Ignorance of this holistic change level is called a "lost sex drive". The common menopausal dis-ease symptoms are only common to poor diets and unholistic lifestyles. Menopausal dis-ease symptoms are unheard of in many colored cultures (African, Inca, Chinese, Aborigines, Eskimos, etc), where a natural diet is maintained.

A violation of the strict natural sex laws cause menopausal symptoms. Some of the natural laws broken during the woman's reproductive (fertile) phase are: having children ouside the contemporary birthing phase (usually 18 to 28 years of age); having sex according to another culture's rules: not breastfeeding (children are usually breastfed for 3 years which has a very positive holistic effect on the woman's body); having sexual relationships with men who do not practice correct emotional and behavioral responsibility during shared menstruation and births; and ignoring mating rhythms, using tampons, masturbating, etc.


In addition, each woman has a natural "baby space." baby space is the uniquely individual time that a woman should have a baby. Thus, a space for a child is prepared by the woman's body's nutritional, emotional and spiritual state. This space is usually finely adjusted by her male partner's pheronome level.

Aside from this, men can cause a woman's menopause symptoms. Men who do not fulfill their emotional, physical and sexual cycles,and spiritual obligations can cause the woman to have energy drain.

This drain occurs because the woman is compensating for the missing holistic man's energy by replacing gis missing energy with his own. This energy drain is also mislabeled woman's menopausal symptoms during sterility phase and morning sickness in pregnancy during fertility phase.


Vitamin A, B complex, B1, B6, B12, C, E, K, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, Paba, Lecithin, Brewer's yeast.

False, Pennyroyal, Cramp Bark, Honduras, Sarsaparilla, Licorice, Unicorn, Blue Cohosh, Elder, Dong Quai.


All fresh fruit and vegetables, mustard greens.


Amino Acids
Cysteine, Glutamine, Methionine, Phenylalanine

Ferr. Phos

Reference: African Holistic Health; Llaila O. Afrika      

The Children of the Sun - Asia

OIP KlqHd5TmXj5MoZ4dK5fGgHaHa nubian queenOIP KlqHd5TmXj5MoZ4dK5fGgHaHa nubian queenOIP KlqHd5TmXj5MoZ4dK5fGgHaHa nubian queenOIP KlqHd5TmXj5MoZ4dK5fGgHaHa nubian queenOIP KlqHd5TmXj5MoZ4dK5fGgHaHa nubian queenOIP KlqHd5TmXj5MoZ4dK5fGgHaHa nubian queenOIP KlqHd5TmXj5MoZ4dK5fGgHaHa nubian queenOIP KlqHd5TmXj5MoZ4dK5fGgHaHa nubian queen

The Children of the Sun - Asia

It is still current opinion among those not in touch with the latest results of scientific exploration that Asia is pre-eminently the home of the yellow races. These races are grouped under the term "Semite" because it was accepted that they were descendents of Shem, one of the variegated sons of Noah.But today the term means absolutely nothing.

So many strange and perplexing problems have arisen that there is only a distant hope of ever setting matters to rights. One thing which has been discovered, and which is creating so much surprise, is that it appears that the entire continent of Asia was originally the home of many black races and that these races were the pioneers  in establishing the wonderful civilizations that have flourished throughout this vast continent.

At different times invaders have come  from the North and tried to conquer many of these peoples, but in most cases they found them too strong and compromised by settling among them. This amalgamation has had a tendency to lighten  the color of these Asiatic races, but in no instance has the complete obliteration of the African characteristics been effected.

In his masterful work on "The History of Mankind" Frederick Ratzel speaks of this problem that has caused so much worry to students who wish to give the African as little credit as possible. He say: "What further contributes to make the Negro physiognomy less strange, and brings it nearer to our wont conceptions, is that in many of its manifestations an approach to the Semitic type unmistakably emerges, such as one may often call jewish in character.

There is some foundation for the view that in the Semitic type of jew, Arab, the Syrian, and so on, there is also an un derlying mulatto type. The resemblence of the jews may frequently have been exaggerated, especially among the Kaffirs, but none the less there is a germ of truth in it".

In the great mesopotamian valley, where flourished Chaldea, BTrue, that the ancient writers knew these were black empires and sabylon, and Assyria, evidences of the rule of African peoples have become so persistent that the most famous scholars  simply attribute the glory of these mighty empires to African blood and let it go at that.

True, that the ancient writers knew these were black empires and said so, but modern man has always had the habit of believing that the ancients never knew what they were talking about. Perhaps Rawlinson, the renowned English traveler and explorer, has made the admission of African influence planer than any other modern author, He says: " The Chaldean monarchy is rather curious from its antiquity than illustrious from its great names or admirable because of the extent of its dominions.

Less ancient than the Egyptians, it claims the advantage of priority over every empire or kingdom which has grown up upon the soil of Asia. The Aryan, Turanian, and even the Semitic tribes, appear to have been in the nomadic condition when the Cushite settlers (black races) of lower babylonia betook themselves to agriculture, erected temples, built cities and established a strong and settled government.

The leaven which was to spread through Asiatic peoples was first deposited on the shores of the Persian Gulf at the mouth of 'the Great River,' and hence civilization, science, letters, art, extended themselves northward and eastward and westward. Assyria, Media, Semitic babyllonia, Persia, as they derived from Chaldea the character of their writing, so were they indebted to the same country for their general notions of government and administration, for their architecture, for their decorative art and still more for their science and literature.

Chaldea stands forth as the great parent and original inventress of Asiatic civilization, without any rival that can reasonably dispute her claim. " Could a tribute to the black mother of Asiatic civilization be greater?

Among scientists there are some groups who try to determine the relation of races through language and there are others who try to trace relationship through religion. Those who have studied languages as an aid are hoplessly lost in a maze of contradictions and have practically abandoned the hope of ever deciding anything by the means of language. Those who have used religion as a test have fared a little better, but they today are coming to the point that the black races were really the founders of all religion.

In fact, the great similarity of the religion of western Asia has been one of the chief factors in bringing abiut the recognition of the wonderful part played by Africans in the rise of the Asiatic civilizations. One author sums up the results of this study in the following words: "From the many chants from the services of Nippur, which are known to have been borrowed from the Semites , not one has been changed  by Semitic school men, so far as the words are concerned.

And not only did the Sumerian (black race) create these chants and fix the forms of the services, but they Originated Every Great Theological Doctrine which the Semites themselves confessed.

In the matter of public services Babylonian religion cannot be regarded as Semitic in any sense.I have no doubt, but that in the excavations in Semitic centers such as Nippur, Ashur, Arbela and Ninevah, may yield many more texts of this kind, but they, like those we already know, are sure to be composed in sacred Sumerian. In a measure this is unfortunate, for it is gradually removing Assyria from the discipline of Semitic studies. Only let us recognise the Babylonian religion in all its essential literary forms and doctrines is decidedly ant-semitic, and we shall avoid much misunderstanding among ourselves."

Before leaving this religion and taking up the study of Persia, let me remark that babylon and Assyria have been among the greatest empires of the world. Their splendor and magnificence have become the by-words of men. History tells us that their cities and majestic palaces were retrospecs of paradise  and fairer than the uplands of dreams. Today Asia is filled with the ruins of vast temples and walls  which are the wonder of every traveler who beholds them. If you should ever go to visit them, recollect the indirect tribute  that Ferguson, author of that monumental work "The History of Architecture," pays the African when he says: "No semite and no Aryan ever built a tomb that could last a century or was worthy to remain so long."

If you have ever studied the history of Persia you will remember that historians classify it as the first great white civilization in the history of the world. So wonderful was the Persian empire, and so magnificent was its civilization, that one cannot well blame the historian for trying to claim it for the white race to the exclusion of all others. But the claim has fallen before the modern study of the Persian people. The primitive civilization of Persia has been called Elamite, and the Elamite, let it be said, was a branch of the great African federation of races. J. de Morgan in his work on Persia tells us: " Besides the Sumerian civilization in Babylonia we have in the valley of the Farum, in Persia, evidence of an early civilization which we call Elamite, which is only being explored. Whether the Elamites and Sumerians were akin, and how early Elamite civilization was, we do not yet fully know: but certainly the cunieform script was in use there also at a very early period."

I quote this to impress upon you the fact that the cunieform script, so often spoken of by students and writers of ancient civilizations, was the form of writing primitively and exclusively used by that great confederation of African peoples who inhabited Asia. We discover in Grecian mythology that Peres was the founder of the Persian race. Now, Peres was the son of Perseus, the famous hero who sprang  from the Argive race, an African people who settled in Greece, and Andromeda, a princess of Ethiopia, whom Perseus rescued from death imposed upon her because her mother boasted  that her daughter's beauty  surpassed that of the Neriads.

Reference: The Children of the Sun: George Wells Parker

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The Serpent and the Rainbow- The jaguar - 3


The Serpent and the Rainbow - The jaguar - 3

We kept a fast pace until the forest again held us tangibly, drawing us on into a hallucinatory passage devoid of will or desire. Into thjat trance,not twenty meters before me, leapt a black jaguar. It paused for an instant, then turned away and took several strides  toward what would turn out to be the direction of Santa Fe, before springing like a shadow into the vegetation. No one else saw it, but for me it was life itself and, I believe, a portent, for it turned out that Santa Fe was not two weeks away, but rather a mere two days.

That very evening, we found a track that led to the right-of-way of the highway. It had all been a test of will, and as we burst into the full sunlight after so many days in the shade, Sebastian turned to me, placed his arms about my etiolated body, and said simply that God works in mysterious ways. That evening we made camp by a clear stream and broiled a wild turkey that one of the Kuna had shot, and later we slept in the open under a sky full of stars. For our first night since leaving Yavisa, it did not rain.The next morning I arose early, certain that I could reach Santa Fe in a single day. With my belly finally full and the weight of uncertainty lifed from my mind, I basked in the freedom of the open road and felt an exhilaration I had never known before.

My pace increased and I left the others far behind. The road at first was no more than a track that curved hypnotically over and around every contour of the land. Several miles on, however, it rose slowly to the crest of a ridge, and suddenly from the rise I could see the right-of-way of the Pan American Highway, a clear and flattened corridor a hundred meters wide that reached the horizion.

Like a deer on the edge of a clearing, I instinctively fell back, momentarily confounded by so much space. Then I started to walk slowly, tentatively. My senses, which had never been so keen, took in every pulse and movement. No one was behind me, and no one in front, and the forest was reduced to the distant walls of a canyon. Never again would I sense such freedom. I was twenty and felt as if I had reached the heart of where I had dreamed to be.

Before I had left Boston that spring I had advised myself in the frontispiece of my journal to "risk discomfort and solitude for understanding." Now it seems I had found the means, and my chance meeting with the jaguar remained with me, an affirmation of nature's benevolence. After the Darien Gap I began to look upon Professor Schulte's assignments as koans, enigmatic challenges guaranteed to propel me into places beyond my imaginings. 

I accepted them easily, reflexively- as a plant takes to water. Thus, in time, the Darien expedition was reduced to but an eposide in an ethnobotanical apprenticeship that eventually took me  throughout much of western South America. I earned my degree in anthropology in 1977 and, a two-year hiatus from the tropics in northern Canada, returned to Harvard as one of Professor Schultes's graduate students.

Schultes was far more than a catalyst of adventures. His guidance and example gave our expeditions form and substance, while ethnobotany remained the metaphor that lent them utility. he had spent thirteen years in the Amazon because he believed that the Indian knowledge of medicinal plants could offer vital new drugs  for the entire world.

Forty-five years ago, for example he had been one of a handful of plant explorers to note the peculiar properties of curare, the Amazonian arrow and dart poisons. Struck by a poison dart, a monkey high in the forest canopy rapidly loses all muscular control and collapses to the forest floor; often it is the fall, not the toxin that actually kills.

Chemical analysis of these arrow poisons yielded D-tubocurarine, a powerful muscle relaxtant once used in conjuction with various anesthetics in virtually all surgery. The several species that yielded curare were but a few of the eighteen hundred palnts  of medical potential identified by schultes in the northwest Amazon alone. He knew that thousands more remained, elsewhere in the Amazon and around the world. It was to find these that he sent us out. and it was in this spirit that he brought me to the most important assignment of my career.

Late on a Monday afternoon early in 1982, I received a call from Schultes's secretary. I was teaching an undergraduate course with him that semester and expected a discussion of the progress of the class. As I entered his office the venetian blinds were down, and he greeted me without looking up from his desk.

"I've got something for you. Could be intriguing ." He handed me the New York address of Dr. Nathan S. Kline, psychiatrist and pioneer in the field of psychopharmacology- the study of the actions of drugs on the mind. It had been Kline who with a handful of others in the 1950's rose to challenge orthodox Freudian psychiatry by suggesting that at least some mental disorders reflected chemical imbalances that could be rectified  by drugs.

His research led to the development of reserpine, a valuable tranquilizer derived from the Indian Snakeroot, a plant that had been used in Vedic medicine for thousands of years. As a direct result of Kline's work, the number of patients at American Psychiatric institutions had declined from over half a million in the 1950's to some 120,000 today. The accomplishment had proved a two edge sword, however anad had made kline a controversial figure. At least one science reporter had referred to the bag ladaies of New York as Kline's babies.

Schultes moved away from his desk to take a call. When he was finished he asked me if I would be able to leave within a fortnight for the Caribbean country of Haiti.

Reference: The Serpent and the Rainbow: Wade Davis 




The liver is the largest gland in the body. Glands are organs that are similar to sponges. They secrete and absorb fluid. The liver secretes digestive fluids for carbohydrates and protein. Beside this, it stores at least a 6-hour supply of reserved natural sugar which is used in emergencies to keep the energy level stable,

Dis-eases of the liver usually cause digestive problems, mental disorders, hemorrhages, fatigue, and low energy levels. The most common dis-ease of the liver is jaundice which is characterized by so-called yellow skin. Actually, the liver is secreting more yellow bile in order to dissolve toxins (impurities) and is not in a dis-eased state. The dis-ease is caused by what created the need for extra yellow bile.

Drinking alcohol damages the liver always and of course alcoholics often have severe liver problems. All drugs and toxins go directly to the liver as it is the liver's responsibility to rid the body of dangerous impurities.

The liver stores it's digestive secretion in the gall bladder. Other common liver disorders are sluggishness, enlargement, and congestion. Ironically, animal flesh eaters should never eat an animal's liver as it is the most toxic organ (gland) in the animal's body. It is always filled with toxins as it tries to convert toxins to useful cells for recycling.

Vitamin A, B complex, B6, B12, C, E, D, A, Kyolic, Niacin, Choline, Inositol, Manganese, magnesium, Zinc, Sodium.

Dandelion, Bayberry, Oregon, Grape, Lobelia, Bolbo, St. John's Wort, Centaury, Wahoo, Black Horseradish, Barberry, Goldenseal, Red beet Root, Yellow Dock, Horsetail, Birch leaves, Parsley, Balmony, Liverworth.


Black radish, artichoke, garlic, cucumber, Red beet juice (tops and bottom)), papaya, Kiwi, Lemon juice, Grapes.

Liver, Thyroid.

Threonine, Lysine.

Nat. Sulph.

Reference: African Holistic Health: Llaila O. Afrika

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