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The Children of the Sun-2

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 The Children of the Sun-2

A little more than a century ago a Frenchman by the name of Volney wrote an eloquent book entitled, "Ruins of Empires," it so delighted the scholars of the day that it was translated into English and a special edition sent across the Atlantic, to be known as the American sdition. The translator, out of respect to the feelings of Americans respecting the black races, let out the following quotation: "There are people, now forgotten, discovered, while others were yet barbarians, the elements of the arts and sciences. A race of men ejected from society for their sable skin and frizzled hair founded, on the study of the laws of nature, those civil aand religious systems which still govern the universe."

Years after, when Volney mastered the English language and discovered how the truth had been surrender to prejudice, he requested that all future editions contain the suppressed words or else the entire work be taken out of print.

This incident, which so clearly manifests the attitude of the early Americans towards the truth concerning the black race, has scarcely changed with passing years. Today there is not a single book printed in English language that tells the wonderful work of the archeologists in Africa, Asia and Europe, and how this work has vindicated the African race as the real founder of human civilization. During the year of 1873 Herr Reinisch, a Viennese Egyptologist, startled the scholars of Europe by saying that not only were the Egyptians of African origin, but that "the human races of the ancient world, of Europe and Africa, are descended from a single family, whose original seat was on the shores of Equatorial Africa." 
At that time the science of human races was in its infancy and its students were not prepared for so sweeping an assertion. All kinds of wild speculations and ridiculous theories were rife, and it was expected that this doctrine of Reinisch would pass with the vagaries of the day. Yet now, after thirty-five years, the University of Pennsylvania reports a remarkably successful archeological expedition which, it says, will completly overthrow the long established standards, not only of history but of ethnology as well. The university assures us that Negro art is primarily original and that civilization probably had its rise in the great lake regions of the African continent.
Africa is the enigma of all continents. It is till the land of mystery and many surprises yet await the adventurer who travels her long laost paths in search of knowledge. Scholars have already found problems that have outwitted them. Frobenius, a well known scientist, has voiced this clearly when he asya: "We ethnologists have fared particularly ill. Far from bringing answers to our questions, the travellers have increased our enigma by many an addition so peculiar that astonishment has scarce yet made room for investigation.For the pictures of the inhabitants and the specimens of their civilization are indeed, questions. Open an illustrated geography and compare the 'type of African negro,' the bluish-black fellow of the protuberant lips, the flattened nose, the stupid expression, the short, curly hair, with the tall, bronze figures from Dark Africa, with which we have of late come in contact, their almost fine-cut features, long hair, etc., you have an example pressing for solution."

The excavation carried on under the supervision of the Pennsylvania University are located in the regions of lower Nubia and in the neighborhood  of the ancient seat of the great Empire of Ethopia. Tradition has it that Ethopia is the mother of the nations and that she nourished and reared not only Egypt, but many of the nations of Asia and even gave to Greece her Gods, laws and civilization. 

In spite of the fact that Ridpath (whose publishers admit that he is a popular historian and not an accurate one)classifies the Ethhiopians as white, it seems that their very name is Greek for "the dusky faced one," and the phrase, " to wash the Ethopians white," was a proverbial expression applied by the ancients to a hopeless task. The Hebraical verse, "Can the Ethopians change his skin or the leopard his spots?" is yet another verification of the fact that the Ethopians of six thousand years ago were the same as the Ethopians of today. Greece seems to have had a respect for the Ethopians that amounted to almost reverence. To them Ethopia was the home of the divine people, and from Ethopia came their great god Zeus. Of them Homer sings:

"The sire of gods and all the ethereal train,
On the warm limits of the farthest main,
Now mix with mortals, nor distain to grace
The feasts of Ethopia's blameless race."--(Illiad.)

It has been written that "when the Greeks knew scarcely of Italy or Sicily by name, the virtues, the civilization and the mythology of the Ethopian supplied their poets a subject of lofty description." Diodorus tells us that they were the inventors of pomps, sacrifices, solemn assemblies and of all honors paid the gods. Herodotus accounted them as a wonderful race and the Hebrews paid them lofty tribute in their scriptures. A very close relationship existed between the Egyptians and the Ethopians. It is nowhere asserted that they spoke the same language, but this seems implied and very probable in view of the fact that their nieroglyphics are the same.

In religion their relationship was even more pronounced. Both had the same system of worship, the same sacredotal orders, the same pomps and processions. The images of the gods were at certain times conveyed up the Nile from their Egyptian temples to others in Ethopia and after the festival were brought back again into Egypt. Many times in the history of Egypt the country swayed under Ethopian dynasties.

There are two things that make Ethopia great even to this day. Her country is one of the few that has never bowed down to a conqueror and her government is the oldest known to human history, China not excepted. In the Kebro Negest, the official record of the royal family, appear the names of her kings in unbroken succession from the time of Solomon till the present day, and only fancy can dream how far back into the shadowy ages this line of black monarchs ruled.If it is true that governments are instituted among men for the promotion of happiness and well being, then the empire is one of the few nations of the world that has approached near to the realization of this idea.
Her system of government is communal. In all her history no hereditary nobility was ever known; no caste of priests ever existed. Between the ruler and the people there can and could be nothing, and every one might aspire equally to all the honors of the state or to the highest diginity of the priesthood. Let it be said of them, and said truly, that they first conceived the true principles of the universal human liberty and founded the first government upon the eternal truth that all governments  should derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. From the dawn of their history until today woman has always been the equal of man, and in no country until the present did pictures of domestic felicity play so large a part as they did in ancient Ethopia.

Reference:The Children of the Sun:George Wells Parker .....Read More

The Yakel Community-Tribal Diets

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The Yakel Community-Tribal Diets
The Yakel Community-tribal Diets
It is a world away from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, but nestled between a volcano and the tropical rainforest on Vanuatu's island of Tanna, lives the cast of the internationally acclaimed film of the same name.
Key points:
Tanna was nominated in the foreign language category at this year's Academy Awards. The movie was filmed on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu and stars the Yakel tribe. The cast had never acted before and continue to live a traditional lifestyle. The first-time actors belong to the Yakel community, one of the region's last traditional societies. Despite the global attention, the Yakel community's way of life remains unchanged. Lack of experience did not prevent the actors from putting in star performances.
The film was nominated for an Oscar this year in the Best Foreign Language category.The cast even made the journey to attend the award ceremony in LA, walking the red carpet in traditional dress.
The dialogue of the Australian production is in the Yakel community's indigenous languages, Navhal and Nafe. The film explores the clash between community traditions and croaching Western values, such as individual freedom.Yakel member Jimmy Joseph Nako, who was the cultural director for the film said "we want to show us". "We want to show how we live and the humour of happiness in our culture to the rest of the world," Mr Nako said.The true story follows two villagers, whose romance sparks a war between communities.
The lovers are both from the same village, but their love affair destroys plans for an arranged marriage, meant to settle a long-standing feud between two island communities. It is said that many years ago a former chief of the Yakel tribe told his people to reject everything introduced from the Western world.
The village people eat what the forest provides and wear handmade clothes sourced from local materials.There are no schools, no shops, no TV and no phones or internet.The lifestyle is referred to as kastom. Tribal chief Mungau is deeply respected by the community. Actor Albi Nangia said he believed listening to the chief leads to harmony within the community. "Here the chief has to make a decision for everything," he said. "You can say and express anything, but you have to respect the kastom. "You have to be respectful of the chief's decision. Your own decision is not good.
"When the chief makes a decision you live better in the kastom. Then there is peace." So life in Yakel continues as it always has, Hollywood or no Hollywood. Who needs a Malibu mansion when you can live in a treehouse. 

Africa - A Brief History - 2

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Africa - A Brief History - 2

Whites who invaded Africa were killed or captured. They became prisoners of wars, were trained to work and eventually participated in the African society. Let there be no doubt that these whites contributed nothing to African culture except diseases, land rape and chattel slavery. In fact, Greek society was founded upon slavery of whites and these slaves could not own property. Nonetheless, black Africans kept white relatives (sons) of Asia and Mediterranean rulers. These hostages were trained in African sciences and medicines. The white hostages and prisoners of war population greatly increased.

 Egyptian internal social problems (poverty, high taxes) and anarchy gave the white slaves an opportunity to have strikes and rebellions. Weak ineffective Kings created a cycle of black immigration movements. Black migrate below the first cataract of the Nile and a predominantly white population above the second cataract. This resulted in Asia (white) dynasties and Afro-Asian dynasties mixed with various combinations of races with a few black dynasties. Periods of social unrest lasted until the Twentieth Dynasty (1200 B.C) ruled by Sotnekht who was succeeded by Ramses. During these periods, white barbaric hordes of invaders continuously attacked Africa.
Africa's medical science was transmitted because African empires had colonies in Europe and many African trained physicians returned to Europe with this so-called new science. A few are indicated in recorded history such as Hippocrates but there were many. In any case, Ramses 111 fought the invading white merchants and defeated them (1191 B.C). He captured so many white slaves  (90,000) that he had to colonize them in Europe because he could not transport them to Africa. He eventually had to draft his white slaves in his army to fight the white barbarians who were primarly driven by hun ger and disease to Africa. The Harris Papyrus makes reference to the career of Ramses 111.

The white invasions coupled with the white slaves in Africa, in addition to the internal African strife (caused by social injustice and feudalistic governments) caused Africa to weaken. With every increase in African deterioration, the Greeks became more powerful and eventually undermined and upsurped Egyptian culture,medical knowledge and religion. The greatest white historians Herodotus, Pliny, and Diodorus wrote that the early black civilizations were the most advanced of all civilizations. Further, these historians also wrote that Europeans had borrowed  (without permission = stole)  black Africa's sciences and religion. No matter how whites refute this, these historians were honest and visited Africa to confirm their findings. Written and pictorial history has confirmed time after time that everything the whites know about hygenic medicine is unquestionably African.

Greek historians helped to confirm Africa's glory and Egyptian dynasties.Egyptian dynastic eras lasted over 10,000 years. Fuerthermore, this dynamic era saw Egypt dominate medicine and the herb/drug trade. Much of the era's medicinal knowledge was put in the control of the god-kings and placed in a mystery system. These mystery healing systems were taught to priests (so-called monks) in monasteries or temples.

The succession of controllers of Egypt learned from the monks and transmitted the herb and drug knowledge to their native European lands.These monks/herbalists/priests/agriculturists carried the medical knowledge intact to Europe and with cultural modifications adjusted it to European culture. The successive colonizers of Egypt were the white Assyrians Saites, Persians, Greeks, and the Romans. The Greeks (invaded Africa 332 B.C. and Romans (invaded Africa 201 B.C.) not only learned the African medicine system but also called it a discovery of European culture, while in actuality they copied the medical science and the monastic life.(The Destruction of Black Civilization by C.Williams, The African Origin of Civilization by C.Diop). 

Egypt developing monastic living. This type of living required the acquisition of knowledge in medicinal herbs and spirituality. The Greeks studied on the upper Nile islands under the religious order of Tabennae founded by Pachomius. These religious herbalists sold herbs, honey and foods at Alexandria. Egyptians lived on these islands and instructed many European religious monks on agriculture and industry.

Egypt developing monastic living. This type of living required the acquisition of knowledge in medicinal herbs and spirituality. The Greeks studied on the upper Nile islands under the religious order of Tabennae founded by Pachomius. These religious herbalists sold herbs, honey and foods at Alexandria. Egyptians lived on these islands and instructed many European religious monks on agriculture and industry. This is vaguely mentioned in The Golden Age of Herbs adpoted and followed by the Romans. They transported this system to Europe and built a benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino in Italy.

Herbology and treatment methods came from African empires such as Mali, Songhai, and Kush. The Kush kingdom was dominated mostly by light skinned caucasians and their diet was nutritionally lacking. However, they began to invade the areas southwards which had plentiful crops and medicine. This area was inhabited by black Africans and was rich in iron ore and fuel supplies. Areas around the fifth and sixth cataracts of the Nile had vast iron industries. Assyrians were one of the invaders that developed the techn ology of iron work and a socialized form of medicine similar to the babylonians which dated from 2250 B.C  Moreover, this was around the same period that the Egyptians had traded plants, herbs  and dry goods with Ethopia in 2275 B.C.

Black Egyptian medicinal knowledge extended across the Sudanic  belt of Africa. subsequently, the Kush empire began to decline as African empires entering the trade market dominated specific goods such as the sandalwood herb, khat, Hawthorn berry, Cotton Tropica, Aloe Vera, and figs. The Kush decline occured around the First century A.D. Axum , the capital of Ethopia, was one of the competitors that seized control of part of the Kush trade market.

The desert African empires controlled the aloe vera market.The north Africans controlled such herbs as hawthorn berry, and the forest region controlled coffee, carob, centuary, and eucalyptus. Ethopia controlled the herb khat, which is a brain stimulant. Axum was typical oif the splendid African cities; it had stone palaces, OPbelisks, gardens of herbs, indoor water and temples. Meroe was invaded by the Kush; and thus caused Africans to migrate to Lake Chad and beyond. This subsequent migration of people and medicinal knowledge helped to weaken Africa.

The internal wars and dispersion of peoples, food science and herb knowledge helped to spread the glory of Africa abroad to Europe, and the merchantile trade. Industry helped to broadcast the values of Africa. Egypt was conquered by Alexander the Great  (356-323 B.C.). Then ptolemy, a general in Alexandder's army, ruled Egypt and established the city Alexandria. This gradual decline of Black Egypt is exposed in African Glory by J.C. deGraft-Johnson. Other black races contributed to the decline of Africa, the source of medicinal herb and drug knowledge.

Reference:African Holistic Health: liaila O. Afrika

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The Serpent and the Rainbow


The Serpent and the Rainbow

A Harvard Scientist's astonishing journey into the Secret Societies of Hatian Voodoo, Zombis, and Magic. 

A Note On Orthography

The orthography of the name of the Hatian traditional religion has been the source of some academic debate. The word Voodoo comes from the Fon language of Dahomey (now Benin) and Togo. It means simply "god" or "spirit." Unfortunately, as a result of the sensational and inaccurate interpretations in the media, Hollywood in particular, the word voodoo has come to represent a fantasy of black magic and sorcery.

Anthropologists have attempted to both highlight and to avoid this stereotype by using a number of terms including vodu,vodun, voudoun, and vodun. I have followed their lead because I feel, as I hope this book will show, that the rich religion  of the Hatian traditional society deserves to be recognized, and what we have come to know as "voodoo" bears little resemblance to it. I use the term Vodoun because it seems to me to be phonetically the most accurate.

However, it is important to note at the outset that the Hatian peasants themselves do not call their religion "vodoun". Theirs is a closed system of belief,and in a world of few alternatives one either "serves the loa"-the spirits-or one does not. Vodoun, from their point of view refers to a specific event, a dance ritual during which the spirits arrive to mount and possess the believer. For the sake of clarity, I refer throughout these pages to the "vodoun society." This is a concept of convenience, and it also reflects the view of outsiders looking in, not that of a believer surrounded by his /her spirit realm.

Likewise, the spelling of zombi is a matter of some disagreement.Westerner's prefer zombie, the more familiar form, to zombi. My Oxford dictionary  doesn't have the term, which reflects the American fasination  with Haiti since the Occupation. (in 2019 president Donald Trump declares Haiti to be A "Shit Hole", on an official visit via the media, a profound insult to the natives and the art of political diplomacy). A beautiful tale which depicts the confusion of Western philosophy and psychology.

The sources in the literature are mixed. Seabrook (1929) spelled it zombie, as did Deren  (1953). Metraux (1972), Huxley (1966), and Leyburn (1941), on the other hand, use Zombi. Metraux is perhaps the recognized authority on the religion, but to my mind Deren had more intimate contact with the people and is an important source as well- although this has little to do with the spelling of the term.

Of more interest is the derivation. The word probably comes from the Kongo word nzambi, which mor or less means "spirit of a dead person". This is yet another example of the African roots of the vodouin religion and society.

Reference: The Serpent and the Rainbow:Wade Davis


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